Un double expresso de la vie et de l'amour ; un peu, beaucoup, passionnément...


Mom says, "Just Talk." If a relationship is meant to happen, communication will be healthy and easy. On the contrary, you will never work through differences and tough times if you can't communicate from the beginning. Some people commit to a relationship regardless of warning signs that pop up; they say to themselves, "We'll learn to work through problems later when it's more serious. Right now I just want to have fun." But old habits are hard to break. When the time comes to support each other through a tough time, neither knows how to express themselves or listen to the other. The relationship falls apart.

The foundation of every healthy relationship is based on communication. When fate brings up discussion topics on the first date, please don't skirt the issues. This is the perfect time to practice communication skills before the issues become serious. Make up your own communication rules, together of course. Allow yourselves the time to explain what you would like to happen when a difference of opinion arises. And don't be surprised if your families have very different ways of working it out. Try to pick the best of both worlds.

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